Monday, November 28, 2011


Last night, my husband and I ran our friends off so that we could spend the rest of the evening cleaning up the house. We climbed into bed a little before 9pm and lay here watching movies and playing video games. Well, I was pretty sleepy....or so I thought. T_T I didn't fall asleep into almost 5 this morning, even with only getting around 5 hours of sleep the night before. GAH! So of course I didn't get out of the bed until almost two this afternoon, which means I won't be sleeping again tonight. I might as well take down a few energy drinks and stay up for twenty four hours.

In other news, as I was leaving to go do another day of "Couch to 5k", the UPS man pulls onto our street. I froze; cue the instant deer in the headlights look. He pulls around in front of our house...and stops! So I took off at a dead run for the house. And sure enough, there it was, perfectly balanced on top of the trash can lid...The Kindle Touch that my husband ordered for me as a Christmas present. Oh my god I could scream in delight. So I took the package inside and put it down on the coffee table...because of course, I've been forbidden to open it until Christmas, but STILL! It's HERE! After spending a few minutes squealing in absolute delight, I locked the house back up and took the pup out for exercise....and found that today didn't take as much of a toll on my body. After one day? Really? It must just be my state of mind. I feel GREAT right now, though!

This means that tomorrow is a down day, and that actually makes me a little
sad =( 

On the first half of our little jaunt, Leia and I were stopped by two guys that work for the base's Housing Maintenance. They inquired about my puppy, asking about the breed (even though it's painfully obvious), wanted to know if she was full blooded (I almost said Pure Blood....too much Harry Potter for me...), and how much we paid for her. Then they cooed over the puppy. She ate up the attention like she's starving for it.

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