Friday, June 15, 2012

Swollen Eyes

It's been...a rough night.  It's been a tough week. I received a call from last week stating that my Great Aunt (to whom I was pretty close) has passed away, and that the Rottweiler I'd left behind with my family was residing at the vets kennels due to having unmanageable pain in his back legs. Yesterday, my step-father called me and asked to speak to my husband. Right there, the re-flags went up, waving madly. I knew before it was even said. They are putting my dog down. My sweet, goofy faced best friend who I cried over time and again because I missed him so much. And now I get to miss him forever. Needless to heart hurts. Literal chest pain. My eyes are swollen from all the crying. And I have therapy at 9 am. All I want to do is curl up and cry, cry, cry. I wouldn't even own my two German Shepherds if I just could have had Dozer. I fully think the only reason I slept last night is because I was drugged. I took my ambien and when it hit hard. I went under pretty fast. I'm sitting here nursing a bottle of water and a caffeinated trail mix...

Here is to my baby...and his sweet smiling face. For letting me cry into his fur when I couldn't take James being deployed...for keeping me company at night for years...And for just being the best damn dog. 

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