Monday, July 23, 2012

Early Morning Foulness

Can I quit? No? Well darn! I've got therapy this morning at 9, and I really.....really.....REALLY don't want to go. I'm exhausted, ill at ease, a little weepy...Okay, maybe I do need to go =/ It's 7:44am and therapy is at 9, so I've got a few things to take care of before then (Like showering...and brushing my teeth...and finding clothes that fit....and letting the puppies out to pee....One of which is standing right beside me with her nose up on the keyboard...). Great fun. I'd rather sit here all day and complain that I'm tired...
Mean thoughts: (And yes, I know this is coming way out of left field, please don't judge me too harshly). I woke up, took my husband to work ( =D Drove the sports car in my PJs... totally awesome!) and then came back to fetch breakfast. And I'm sure I'm not alone in the fact that I logged on to facebook while enjoying my cereal! Anyway, I noticed that my 'friend' (Long story...she's more like an enemy...I'm just going to leave it at that instead of boring you with the details of teenage squabbles) had posted a status update containing the phrase "I WILL be getting back in to shape this year!" and the first thing that popped into my head was?...I'm so's mean..."Shape? Round? You've never had a shape other than round! What do you mean 'Get back in to shape'?" Needless to say, I recognized the bitch horns had decided to start showing. Of COURSE I didn't actually type a response to her (I'm not heartless). And then I realized "Hey, that's a bit of an unbalanced thought there....check it." So now I'm sitting here breaking down the thought and what not like I was taught to do in...oh wait...therapy >_>. Anyway, what I've come up with so far is....I'm just jealous that shes younger than me and has a kid. The more balanced thought: Everyone has a right to try and get in shape. Stop being a biatch =P

I really should get off the internet...hrmmm.....

Later!! x~Jessica

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